
How Instagram is leveling up game promotion

With the help of the social network Instagram, you can successfully promote games and mobile applications. It is not difficult to do this.

How is gamification done?

Someone is creating an Instagram story about the game. People write a code word in direct or comments and launch a bot. Instagram story viewer will help you view stories anonymously. People write a code word in direct or comment and launch the bot. The bot sends all the rules and a link to the tournament table. For each action in the account, specially configured bots count and give points, automatically maintaining the leaderboard in real time.

What are the points?

Points are given for activity in the profile: replies to stories and comments under rails and posts (minimum points), reposting rails, and inviting friends through the referral program in the game (maximum points).

The reach of rails is increasing. New people start coming from the accounts of those who reposted. People invite their friends to participate, and those who go to the profile Instagram highlights viewer are included in the game and create additional activities. All points are taken into account automatically configured bots.

Also, restrictions should be put on the minimum number of subscribers (protection from bots and empty accounts), the minimum number of characters in the comment, and x2 points in the first hour after publication to increase activity and greater virality.

List of tasks to be performed

Gamification services are multifunctional tools that effectively influence the target audience. Games for Instagram solve several important tasks:

  1. Natural growth of stories views and audience engagement with the content. Posts with gamification elements are much more popular than ordinary publications. They are very likely to go viral.
  2. Increased subscriber engagement. You do not need to use useless programs for tipping, such as comment exchanges or activity chats. In principle, people are interested in the game mechanism; they immerse themselves in it and follow the course of events until the results are announced.
  3. Familiarization with the product presentation for new subscribers. Gamification services will help to interest potential clients. He plays and familiarizes himself with the product, seeing its competitive advantages. Your task is to highlight them.
  4. Stimulating the creation of their user-generated content by participants. If a person likes the ideas of the game, he tells about it to his followers and acquaintances. Its popularity grows, and accordingly, interest in your brand increases.
Mobile games
Mobile games

You will increase reach and engagement through services, create a base of active followers, and revitalize interest in the profile. You can create your community directly on Instagram through simple but effective tools.

Varieties of gamification

The choice of interactivity depends on the task at hand. One functional service offers several options for using gamification. Filling the profile with content is necessary to make it work effectively and pointwise. You can not introduce interactivity by having an empty account. There must be a base for integrating game content.

Games in Stories

Introducing game mechanics into stories is the most accessible way of gamification. Various stories and scenarios allow you to get users’ reactions through responses to stories and reposts. Such audience interaction with the promoted profile’s content positively impacts publications’ reach and overall visibility. In statistics, you can see how people use navigation and evaluate engagement.

Picture with intrigue

You publish two pictures of your product and ask your followers to find a few differences. Followers list them in the comments, thus revitalizing interest in the post and the whole profile. The most attentive followers get nice gifts.

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